sCAN project – Platforms, Experts, Tools: Specialised Cyber-Activists Network (2018-2020)
Identification of online hate speech
sCAN aims at gathering expertise, tools, methodology and knowledge on cyber hate and developing transnational comprehensive practices for identifying, analysing, reporting and counteracting online hate speech. This project draws on the results of successful European projects already realised, for example the “Research, Report, Remove project: Countering Cyber-Hate phenomena” and “Facing Facts”, and strives to continue, emphasize and strengthen the initiatives developed by the civil society for counteracting hate speech.
The sCAN project partners will contribute to selecting and providing relevant automated monitoring tools to improve the detection of hateful content. Another key aspect of sCAN will be the strengthening of the monitoring actions (e.g. the monitoring exercises) set up by the European Commission. The project partners will also jointly gather knowledge and findings to better identify, explain and understand trends of cyber hate at a transnational level. Furthermore, this project aims to develop cross-European capacity by providing e-learning courses for cyber-activists, moderators and tutors through the Facing Facts Online platform.
Legal disclaimer
This website has been produced with the financial support of the European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014 – 2020). The contents of this website are the sole responsibility of the project consortium and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Commission.

Facing Facts Online MOOC on hate speech
Join the course now to learn more about the nature and impact of hate speech, as well as about monitoring and counter-speech! As part of the sCAN project, the Facing Facts Online course on hate speech is now available in French and German. Click here to sign up and explore the materials.
Follow the course…
The sCAN project gathers over ten partners across Europe
Coordinated by the French organisation LICRA (International League against Racism and Antisemitism), the sCAN project involves following countries: France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Czech Republic, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia and Latvia.
Social Media Campaign
On September 2018, sCAN partners has shown their commitment to stand up against off- and online hate speech during the European day of Civil Courage.
sCAN – Two years of fruitful cooperation and action against hate speech online
During the past two years, the sCAN partners have worked together closely to analyse and monitor hate speech online and to develop online and offline trainings. We made our insights available to the larger public and contributed to building capacities in civil society...
sCAN: Sfide e risultati del 4°esercizio di monitoraggio in base al Codice di Condotta sottoscritto da Commissione Europea e piattaforme IT
Contrastare i discorsi di incitamento all’odio su internet attraverso azioni di monitoraggio, analisi, formazione, diffusione e azoni di advocacy. È questo uni dei principali obiettivi del progetto SCAN che, attraverso il monitoraggio dei discorsi di incitamento...
Hotspots of Hate: The online responsibility of public figures
The third analytical paper produced by the sCAN partnership focuses on hotspots online: posts that might not be hateful themselves, but often trigger a series of hateful comments and tend to originate from politicians, influencers or public figures. These posts carry...
sCAN – Two years of fruitful cooperation and action against hate speech online
During the past two years, the sCAN partners have worked together closely to analyse and monitor hate speech online and to develop online and offline trainings. We made our insights available to the larger public and contributed to building capacities in civil society...
Automated technologies in monitoring hate speech content
Because access to the internet and social networks were broadened in the past decades, this phenomenon has strengthened the spread of online content. One of the results is also the manifestation of hate online content. Institutions, IT Companies, NGOs and...
Praćenje reakcija društvenih mreža na protuzakoniti sadržaj – govor mržnje online
Monitoring exercises: Praćenje reakcija društvenih mreža na protuzakoniti sadržaj – govor mržnje Kao dio sCAN projekta, Kuća ljudskih prava Zagreb je sa partnerskskim organizacijama civilnog društva sudjelovala u praćenju reakcija društvenih mreža na protuzakoniti...
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